Abigail Elphick, ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen’ : Important Facts You Need to Know

A video of a white woman attacking a black woman went viral on Internet on 12 July, Monday. Ijeoma Ukenta who is a black woman could be seen in the video while making a shot on the white woman Abigail Elphick. The incident took place in Short Hills Mall at Victoria’s Secret outlet in New Jersey and within no time it went viral. Abigail Elphick is a New Jersey resident who is dubbed as the ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen’ and was suspected while attacking the black woman who was capturing her behind the cameras. Ukenta put the video act on TikTok.

In the first part of the video, Abigail Elphick could be seen hitting the woman behind the camera but soon when she realized that she was being captured, she started crying and screaming for the security to come over while sitting or scratching on the floor. She could be seen while saying that “don’t capture me”. While in the second video she could be seen sitting on the floor and shouting over her. Elphick later was seen shouting that “get away from me” and then quickly run behind the black woman Ijeoma Ukenta.

Who is Abigail Elphick?

It is assumed that Abigail Elphick might be in her 20’s and as soon as her video while scratching or shouting on the floor went viral. Abby stated that she is working as the Teacher’s Assistant and people have started requesting the school where Elphick works to get her resigned from her position. The 25-year old woman was seen in the video charging at the black woman while claiming herself to be the victim of the whole charge. Ukenta who is a black woman and who shoot the video put the incident on TikTok and YouTube. Even on Twitter, some people criticized the police department and the mall security for not doing more to protect Ukenta from the whole incidence.

The video started when Elphick lay down on the floor while screaming and kicking her feet saying that “she is recording me, tell her to stop”. In her defense, Ukenta said calmly that “you keep lying and I am threatening you so I am recording the incident to protect myself”. It is clear from their talk that Ukenta is not very close to Elphick. The disturbing video showed Elphick screaming and screeching over the ground floor and running towards Ukenta who was recording the incident behind the camera. Ukenta kept repeating that if police will come, they will believe Elphick if in case she would claim that Ukenta attacked her so she went recording the lady while doing nothing.

Abigail Elphick Biography

Real Name Abigail Elphick
Birth Date 2000s
Age (as of 2021) 20s
Residence New Jersey
Nationality American
Profession Teacher’s Assistant
School Cedar Grove High School
Religion Christianity
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Body Type Slim

What was the whole matter?

According to International Business Times, the incident first started when Ukenta was relocating through the store’s assortment for her free panties. All of the sudden a white woman (being identified as Abigail Elphick) poked her aside. After a rightful comment from the side of Ukenta that is “excuse me”, Elphick tried to flip the aggression and made Ukenta turn on her phone camera within no time of catching Elphick while assaulting her. After forcing Ukenta’s phone away from her side, Elphick played the victim acting as a nonexistent assault while begging or scratching and making Ukenta not to record her (but the commenters could find it fair if Elphick could leave the store herself).

Who is the culprit?

The most provoked part of the video happened when one of the white shoppers at the register asked Ukenta to leave right away and walk away from her as Elphick was entitled to disturb the peace in the mall. Here, Ukenta could be seen just as an interloper who was trying to film to protect herself or get her free pair of panties. The most astonishing part took place when Elphick gently laid her pocketbook on the ground before faux-fainting in front of the register but there was still more to watch! Elphick called security saying that Ukenta was recording her and was breaking her mental peace and said that her heart was racing while chasing Ukenta around the store. As soon as the security arrived, Elphick left the store and that to be after a prolonged delay. She acted in a way that she did not understand that whom and what Ukenta was referring to.

13 thoughts on “Abigail Elphick, ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen’ : Important Facts You Need to Know”

  1. Abby Elphic is autistic! I think you should investigate this because I think you’re going to be surprised and shocked that you and the rest of the media did this to an autistic woman.

    • The only person at fault is the person who caused this to happen…Abigail!!! Being autistic doesn’t give anyone a free pass to endanger black peoples lives. She’s a racist autistic woman who apparently learned this behavior is okay. Good job defending racism for sake of developmental disorders.

      • Both of them are at fault. Clearly we can see Abigail has issues and definitely screwed up on many occasions. BUT, Ukenta is also taunting and aggravating the situation. Why? If she felt unsafe, she could have left. The manager and cops offered to walk her out. She didn’t. She was waiting for Abigale to be walked out so she could have a win for the black community.

        The only one saying anything about skin color in the video was Ukenta. Ukenta carried on about “My black ass” and “White girl” The only reason to say that was to get an emotional response.

        Not a single customer offered to help Ukenta. Even the VS manager tried to distance herself from Ukenta – AND SHE IS BLACK. Why?

        If Ukenta’s video “is all of the facts”, why are sections of the video missing? Why did Ukenta delete sections of audio? What did she say which required removal?

        Ukenta created a TikTok account just to gain sympathy. And then they banned her for hate speech. The reality of it all is Ukenta took this as a prime opportunity to hedge her failing YouTube account. And it worked for about a week before people and the media discovered that she was also to blame.

        BTW. I ain’t white either.

        • “A win for the black community” are you serious you ignorant bigot? What makes you think the woman recording is obligated to leave the store when it was all Abigail causing the conflict? If she wasn’t recording it for herself and her safety then all it would be is her word against a childish crybaby using her white women tears to play victim. Any number of lying stories could have been made to spin the conflict into her favor and you and I know damn well the side the authorities would be on. I can’t fathom what your logic is that the woman recording is at fault for just not leaving when she was obviously at the store for a reason and Abigail was the one who deserved getting thrown out.

    • I agree! not only is she Autistic, she had a PTSD breakdown. In C-PTSD, you fight/flight/fawn/freeze and she did each of these to protect her identity from being all over the media. She was called a “2 year old tantrum” and a “drama queen” as well as “prima donna” for screaming and crying. Which is normal when a human or animal is threatened for their life, they will try each method to escape harm’s way, described in Peter A. Levine’s book, “Unleashing the Tiger”. People who are not trauma-informed will not understand this.
      This incident ruined a beautiful 25 year old young girl’s life, while Ukenta got off with $100,000 from GoFundMe. As Caucasians working for Jesus Christ, we need to wake up and see this AGENDA is playing out to destroy us all. It is so obvious and we all know that there are people in power encouraging this to destroy us. We are of the light, hence our skin is white and the ones in power hate Jesus Christ. This is an agenda to destroy caucasians. #STANDFORABIGAIL #PRAYFORABBY

      • what the hell, as a “white” woman I’m telling you – you need a psychotherapist ASAP, because from what you wrote, it looks like you are seriously mentally sick.
        + throwing here some imaginary beings, like mentioning “Jesus Christ” – do you really think that it magically justified your idiotic comment?

      • You’re an ignorant, delusional, wannabe victim and religious bigot. There is no war on the white race you moron and it’s ridiculous beliefs like that that ends up reinforcing white suprematism ideals like the kind the shooter in Buffalo, NY had when he gunned down 10 innocent Black people because of his bigoted hate for people of color and his insecure fear of a white genocide. “Religious” bigoted trolls like you have no shame or morals.

  2. Did I miss the part where she is racist?
    I’m not defending that she hits people, but did she say anything racist?


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